Friday, May 30, 2008

mr. BIG-Last Tuesday's post

I deleted the post from tuesday that had a very blurry picture of the dog and I have replaced it with a better shot today. The camera was not acting up...I had some bad settings.


With advice I finished this lilly with a different background. It seems to look lots better. Will be painting big over the weekend and hope to have two finished pieces by sunday.

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Ok giant lilly is a new painting, per my mentor,to be posted tomorrow.....tooo much green so it has been changed. I have noticed how difficult it is to paint for myself and to paint for an audience or for a buyer. I can be perfectly satisfied with a piece and change my mind the next day.ok that said, I can also be happy with a piece and KNOW it will not sell..the internal piece changes and also says sell or no I like this work and I'll eat it. More often than not I will notice something weeks, months, days, afterward that is unsettling about work and I will change it....not like some painters who are able to paint fast and love what they have done..finis. So I kinda think, at this point that I should monitor my work as a new viewer. the Giant lilly has changed considerably based on feedback from my best friend and I will post it again sometime over the weekend. It is done, again and to a better degree of doneness..Thank you KAREN KINSER

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Wednesday, stressing over having enough large work for a show. Deliverable on tuesday next week. The lilly is the same lilly photo from "mom's lilly" and maybe tomorrow I will abstract it with purple's and reds. We'll see. This one is 24 x 24 oil on linen.
until next time..thanks

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Hi. It is wednesday and I have finished a new abstract for an upcoming show. soooo here it is. I will be focusing on this show with larger pieces for another week so it may be awhile before I post any small ones. This is 24 x 24 oil on linen
thanks for looking

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Small Dog, big Leash (click for price)

Sunday...this dog was not finished when i went back today. I still think he needs something in the face but will publish and change image if I change the so easy to do, dog portraits. anyway 9x12 oil on linen. thanks

Thursday, May 15, 2008

small vase, big flower(click for price)

Thursday, and I have added another in the small vase big flower series.( 9x12 oil on linen board.) Yes, the same little vase. This peony opened up too much for me as I wanted it to be "just" opened to paint but alas.....nature.... tomorrow i will add "madison" a little yorkie i met at an art show last weekend..the paint was too wet to get a good photo without the shine...until tomorrow
thanks for looking

Friday, May 9, 2008

FRIDAY - FOR REAL THIS TIME-" Charlie" and Mom's Lilly

So, Yesterday was post says friday. anyway posting the promised paintings. One of Charlie, my neighbor's dog and my mother's day present to my Mom. happy looking. anne

Thursday, May 8, 2008

FRIDAY "WHEN are we gonna GO?

Alright,, I'm on to animal portraits. Two this week. I painted Charlie, my neighbors dog that just passed away. He'll be posted tomorrow as he is being scanned for a print. Ginger is my dog and I had a ball painting her. She is for sale but .....So I also have a new small floral, a mother's day present which will be posted tomorrow or sunday but not for sale of course...So until sunday or so...thanks for looking and yes ginger does have a couple of black toenails.

Friday, May 2, 2008

FRIDAY "'OLD' Friends" and "Three Pats" - click for prices-

Another week has gone by and I realize that I haven't painted a "painting a day" in awhile. This week though I have three new paintings ...two of which are added here. An old salt and pepper shaker duo which has dented tops and a stick of butter...could eat the whole thing on a loaf of french or sour dough bread. The third painting is another lilly that only needs a little work but not publishable yet. Maybe, just maybe I will have the lilly posted on monday nite!
Thanks for reading