Wednesday, February 27, 2008

TUESDAY -NEW APPLE and ROOSTER MUG - click for pricing-

Hi...So it's Tuesday again. Hope you don't remember the painting "new apple" as apple butter..but it's true. Another "painted over painting". I rid myself of the compote that had the poorly painted geranium stem falling out of the top and changed the apple to be a looser, more vibrant colored object. Th only true remaining image is the apple butter jar which I really liked and so left it alone.
The Rooster Mug..Oh this was a fun one but I got stuck in the drawing process far too long and still I see it;s not accurate but not a bad little painting. Tomorrow I'll be on to an abstract. thanks for looking.

Friday, February 22, 2008


Two Paintings this week,,The "Beets" and an abstract "Edge". No I don't see any common thread between the two. Being true to my "one small painting a week " committment and then whatever.... the small representational work really engages me and takes me out of myself in a way that I don't have to invest myself in the paints itself it seems. The abstracts are not as free flowing as they once were. I sometimes have to take breaks more frequently and return with fresh eyes. No pre-conceived ideas alway work best. until monday.....

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


The paint on this painting is so wet that it shines like patent leather shoes, (one of my favorite odors from childhood). Sunday shoes and tap shoes. I still love the smell. The painting session was good today and I feel as though I have accomplished something...

Sunday, February 10, 2008

FRENCH PRESS (click here for price)

This painting is one of my favorites. I think because of the warm light on the items and that "morning feel".

KETTLE (click here for price)

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

LOOKING DOWN I and II (click here for price)

\Ahhhh. Decent day of painting but no good photos. I painted over two previous paintings..It is such a relief to see the old disappear, especially if it is sooo bad it practically screams "throw me out". the new painting which does not have a name yet is probably one that will not change, of course, I always say that on the day of day ...sometimes major changes, sometimes minor ones.
The second painting is so wet that he photo is too shiny to see details or good color. I am posting it anyway so that I can get some feedback. thanks

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


It is day two of the week. The painting of abstract with "no title" on day three is not the end result I am looking for. I have finally decided that there is no way to allow any words like "saleable", "looks like...", "wrong colors for a" to creep into my head. Don;t really want to paint for an audience or a buyer. I realized that the "stuck place" that I was in for awhile was exactly about those words and the work was not as imaginative but canned. Of course this was subcouncious at the time.or was it uncousciou.... I like to paint unconsciously .it is only looking backward that I see what might have been going on in my head at the time
9 chocolate chip cookies this evening. Ridiculous. Tomorrow I will post new work and "in progress" if there are any.


Monday, February 4, 2008


There is no sense pretending that I will paint something wonderful tomorrow.. I am back to Abstracts and they are sometimes painful...many changes..turning them upside down for a new "view" overpainting and then once in awhile a fresh painting that appears in one session...? not so in a long time. Tomorrow I will work on a small canvas that was started thursday, changed on saturday and turned upside down for a start tomorrow. today was an "off work" day..there is always tomorrow


At the end of the day I have two choices: share my painting experience with Ginger, my Jack russell, or Catherine, my teenager. most days I choose neither. Ginger's checking for the "treat-hand goodies" as I speak to her and Catherine is on the cell phone or homework. Blogging will allow me to see what it is I really accomplishsed (or didn't) in a day and share that experience with all.
The opportunity to share this moment in a day will also allow me to share paintings in progress or finished works for sale. I welcome all comments on all paintings, either finished or in progress and prices will be available